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All About Me

By Jen Perry 2 sessions (30-45 minutes each)
Grades 1-3
English Language Arts,
Science and Technology
  • Programming
  • Technology and Society
Tools & Languages
Scratch Jr.

Key Coding Concepts

  • Algorithms
  • Events
  • Sequences



A step-by-step set of operations to be performed to help solve a problem



When one thing causes another thing to happen



Identifying a series of steps necessary to complete a task; computers read and perform tasks in order from top to bottom

Using ScratchJr, learners will create an “All About Me” coding program.


  • Some previous experience with ScratchJr may be beneficial, but not necessary.


  • Device with ScratchJr installed


  1. In their journal, have learners write some ideas about themselves. For example, they could write their age and birthday, how many people are in their family, their favourite colour, their favourite food, etc.
  2. Give learners 10 minutes to freely explore ScratchJr.
  3. Have learners create a new project.
  4. Learners will delete the cat and replace it with a sprite (character) that looks like them. Learners can experiment with size, different standing positions, etc.

    If learners want to take a picture of themselves, ask them to select the Camera tool, tap any section of a character or shape, and then tap the camera button to fill the section with the new photo taken with the camera.

    Here are some resources on using the camera tool in ScratchJr:

    Note: If learners are sharing an iPad, they can put two characters in their coding program.

  5. Next, learners will add a title to their program (e.g. ‘All About Grayson and Quinn’)

    They can choose their own favourite background or take a picture of a background of their choice (maybe their favourite place at school…)

  6. Learners can then add another page with a new background and a new sprite of themselves.

    Learners should brainstorm their own ideas. Here are some suggestions:

    • Playing a favourite game
    • Reading a favourite book
    • Use the drawing tool to create a picture of their family
    • Eating a favourite food

    Note: Learners can create up to 4 pages and each page should include a title.

  7. Learners could use the motion blocks to move or even do a dance routine.
  8. Learners with more coding experience could add dialogue or sound effects.
  9. Provide learners with an opportunity to share their projects with another group.

Learning Outcomes

I can use coding blocks to enhance their coding program.
I have included relevant and interesting information about myself.
I am able to work successfully with a partner.

Assessment Ideas

See Sample Rubric.


Learners can further enhance their project by recording their voices or adding dialogue, etc.


Learners who need an additional challenge (or early finishers) could complete a ScratchJr biography project on a person that would like to learn more about (for example, their favourite hockey player, Chris Hadfield, their teacher, etc.)


Add additional math extensions to ScratchJr project:

  • How many letters are in your name?
  • How many people are in your family?
  • How many teeth have you lost?
  • What is your house number?

Technology and Society (History of Technology)

Learners can research key contributors to tech and complete a ScratchJr biography project.

ScratchJr Learning Blocks Reference Guide

'Using Your Own Photos in ScratchJr’ - Theresa Reedy

5 Tips for Using the Camera Tool in ScratchJr - Weronika, ScratchJrFun<

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    The K-12 Computer Science Framework

    Although learning how to build digital projects is a key part of Computer Science education, students should also learn a wider set of skills and competencies that will help them to harness the power of digital technologies as both creators and consumers. A comprehensive approach to K-12 Computer Science education includes learning about the following five focus areas:

    View Framework ➝


    By the end of high school, students should be able to create a simple computer program.

    Computing and Networks

    By the end of high school, students should understand and be able to use the tools and devices commonly used to build digital projects.


    By the end of high school, students should be able to explain how we use computers to create, store, organize, and analyze data.

    Technology and Society

    By the end of high school, students should be able to explore the ways in which technology and society have mutually shaped each other.


    By the end of high school, students should be able to apply design principles to the digital projects they create.