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Canada Learning Code Career Collective

A private, member-based career platform for early to mid-career professionals who need digital skills to navigate a changing workforce.

The Career Collective seeks to explicitly welcome cis women, trans women, trans men, non-binary people, and others who are marginalized because of their gender identity as well as Black, Indigenous and other Racialized people, people in low-income communities, and newcomers.

CAD $29 per month (first month free!)


The top skills for a given role have changed by about 25% in Canada between 2015 and today and are on pace to shift by about 40% by 20251.

Why does this matter? The acceleration of technology means everyone, including you, needs to increase their fluency to work, build and live with technology. But most people don’t know where to start and don’t know what they need in order to upskill and meet their professional development goals.

That’s where we come in. To meaningfully support you as your trusted guide, customizing our approach to your needs and outcomes.

Source 1: 2021 Linkedin Analysis on the Future of Skills

Three gender nonconforming people at a Canada Learning Code workshop

About Canada Learning Code: Career Collective

The Career Collective is a private, member-based career platform created by Canada Learning Code. It is designed to meaningfully support early to mid-career professionals, as your trusted guide, to help you navigate a changing workforce with competence and confidence. Our unique approach includes personalized skills assessments and tailored guidance, along with access to programs like Grow with Google Certificates.

The Career Collective is undergoing a pilot program in Summer 2024, with the intention to build together with the first-ever admitted cohort and to evolve for future offerings.

3 key features available right now

Google AI Essentials Certificate

Earn a Google AI Essentials Certificate and add it to your resume to demonstrate proficiency. Get the most out of the course through member-based collaboration and AMAs with AI professionals.

Members-Based Slack

Connect with like-minded professionals in our moderated members-only Slack community to ask questions, share content, and best practices.

Community-Building Events

Participate in networking events and panels that foster a supportive community of like-minded professionals and industry experts.

A white woman and a Black woman at a Canada Learning Code workshop

Is this for you?

The Career Collective is for early-mid career professionals who know digital skills are important across all sectors and types of work, but need trusted guidance to intentionally navigate their current role and a changing workforce.

It’s designed in a way that seeks to explicitly welcome those who have historically been and continue to be marginalized and underrepresented in tech, with a focus on cis women, trans women, trans men, non-binary people, and others who are marginalized because of their gender identity as well as Black, Indigenous and other Racialized people, people in low-income communities, and newcomers.

  • “I use technology in my role, but I’m afraid of falling behind”
  • “Digital skills haven’t been a big part of my job yet, but I think they could make my job better”
  • “I’m looking for new tech-related skills to support my career growth”
  • “I have an understanding of the evolving tech landscape, but need professionals to connect with to make decisions about my place in it”
  • “I’m interested in networking and learning with others”

Chat message: This all sounds so good! Exactly what I was hoping for from the program. So happy to be here!

Three asian women at a Canada Learning Code workshop

What do you get?

  • Workshops & Community Events: Participate in networking events and panels that foster a supportive community of like-minded professionals and industry experts.
  • Comprehensive Online Learning: Progress through comprehensive online modules that cover AI fundamentals, ethical considerations, and practical applications, allowing you to learn at your own pace while setting a goal for completion.
  • Further Upskilling: Have access to a personalized skills assessment process to identify upskilling needs and have access to subsidized tuition to professional development pathways like Grow With Google Certificates.
  • Personalized Guidance: Receive tailored advice and mentorship from professionals with various degrees of experience working with AI to help you make career and professional development decisions with confidence and clarity.
  • Community Knowledge Share: Connect with like-minded professionals in our moderated members-only Slack community to ask questions, share content, and best practices.

CAD $29 per month. Billed upon admission.
(first month free!)

Career Collective application form

Interested in taking part?

The Career Collective is now accepting applications for new members! Start your application today.

If you qualify for the next step, you’ll receive an invitation to book a membership interview with us.

We’ll officially invite you to join once your interview is complete and we’ve confirmed that Career Collective is a great match. We’ll also provide you with all the details regarding the payment method for the membership fees (CAD $29 per month), the next steps and timelines for onboarding, and what to expect as you embark on this journey with us.