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AODA Multi-Year Plan

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Integrated Accessibility Standards – Multi-Year Plan – Canada Learning Code Inc.

Part I – General Requirements

Accessibility Requirement Action Status Compliance Deadline
Establishment of accessibility policies Policy and Statement are complete and posted on the company website and intranet. Both will be provided in accessible formats if requested.  Complete January 1, 2014
Training on IASR and the Human Rights Code Training is provided to all employees, volunteers, and contractors who work on behalf of Canada Learning Code, Inc.

Training is provided within the first week of hire.

Records are kept that include the dates on which the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom it is provided.

Updated training will occur with changes to legislation and Canada Learning Code, Inc policies.

In Progress January 1, 2015
Accessibility Plans
  • a)  establish, implement, maintain and document a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the organization‘s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under this Regulation;
  • b)  post the accessibility plan on their website, if any, and provide the plan in an accessible format upon request; and
  • c)  review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years.
In Progress January 1, 2014


PART II – Information and Communications Standards


Accessibility Requirement Action Status Compliance Deadline
Feedback Process The feedback process is accessible and available in accessible format or with communication supports upon request. In Progress January 1, 2015
Accessible formats and communication supports Accessible formats and communications supports are available upon request. 

Notification of accessible formats and communications supports has been posted on the company website.

In Progress January 1, 2016
Emergency procedures, plans or public safety information Emergency procedures, plans, and public safety information are available in accessible format or with communication supports upon request. In Progress January 1, 2012
Accessible websites and web content (new websites) All new websites and web content will comply with WCAG 2.0 Level A, increasing to Level AA. Complete January 1, 2014
Accessible websites and web content (all websites and web content) Website to be updated before Jan 1, 2021. All internet websites and web content will conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA, other than: i. success criteria 1.2.4 Captions (Live), and ii. success criteria 1.2.5 Audio Descriptions (Pre-recorded). Complete January 1, 2021


PART III – Employment Standard


Accessibility Requirement Action Status Compliance Deadline
Recruitment, General Canada Learning Code, Inc notifies all employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in our recruitment process by including a statement that accommodation is available throughout the recruitment process in all job postings. Complete January 1, 2016
Recruitment, assessment and selection processes Upon selection to participate in a recruitment or assessment process, Canada Learning Code, Inc informs all candidates that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used. Complete January 1, 2016
Notice to Successful Applicants When making offers of employment all successful applicants are notified of Canada Learning Code, Inc policies for accommodating employees with disabilities. Complete January 1, 2016
Informing employees of supports All employees are informed of the policies Canada Learning Code, Inc has in place to support its employees with disabilities, including, but not limited to, policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to disability. As a part of the orientation process, during an employee’s first week of hire, all employees are given a link to all policies and asked to sign off on receiving individual policies, included but not limited to the policies in place to support employees with disabilities. Ongoing January 1, 2016
Accessible formats and communication supports for employees Upon request, Canada Learning Code, Inc will consult with the employee and arrange for suitable accommodation, accessible formats and communication supports. In determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support, Canada Learning Code, Inc  will consult with the employee making the request. Ongoing January 1, 2016
Workplace emergency response information Upon notification for any need for accommodation, Canada Learning Code, Inc. will consult with the employee and provide individualized workplace emergency response information as soon as possible, if it is necessary. Documented individual accommodation plan forms contain a portion highlighting workplace emergency response information in order to ensure this aspect of accommodation is considered. Ongoing January 1, 2012
Documented individual accommodation plans A written process has been documented for creating individual accommodation plans. This process includes all elements listed under regulation 191/11 section 28. Complete January 1, 2016
Return to work process A return to work policy is in place for employees who have been absent from work due to disability and require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work. This policy outlines the steps Canada Learning Code, Inc. will take to facilitate the return to work and uses documented individual accommodation plans. Complete January 1, 2016
Performance management process Canada Learning Code, Inc takes the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans into account when conducting its performance management process. Documented individual accommodation plan forms contain a portion highlighting the performance management process in order to ensure this aspect of accommodation is considered. Ongoing
Career development and advancement Canada Learning Code, Inc takes the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans into account when providing career development and advancement opportunities. Documented individual accommodation plan forms contain a portion highlighting the career development and advancement process in order to ensure this aspect of accommodation is considered. Ongoing
Redeployment Canada Learning Code, Inc takes the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans into account when redeploying employees with disabilities. Documented individual accommodation plans must be reviewed in any instance of an employee with disabilities being redeployed. Ongoing
Establishment of Policies Policy is complete and follows the principles listed in regulation 191/11 section 80.46. A notification has been posted on the company website stating that it is available on request. The policy will be provided in accessible formats if requested. Complete January 1, 2012
Use of Service Animals Service animals are permitted on Canada Learning Code, Inc premises. Ongoing January 1, 2012
Use of Service Persons Service persons are permitted on Canada Learning Code, Inc premises. No payment is required for entering Canada Learning Code, Inc premises. Ongoing January 1, 2012
Notice of Temporary Disruptions A documented process is in place for notification of disruptions in service. A notification has been posted on the company website stating that it is available on request. The document will be provided in accessible formats if requested. Complete January 1, 2012
Provide accessible customer service training to all staff A documented process is in place that describes Canada Learning Code, Inc  training policy, content of training, and specifies when the training is provided. A notification has been posted on company website stating that it is available on request. The document will be provided in accessible formats if requested.

Training is provided to all employees, students, and contractors who work on behalf of Canada Learning Code, Inc Training is provided within the first week of hire. Records are kept that include the dates on which the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom it is provided. Updated training will occur with changes to legislation and Canada Learning Code, Inc policies.

Ongoing January 1, 2012
Feedback Process The feedback process is accessible and available in accessible format or with communication supports upon request. A documented process is in place that describes Canada Learning Code, Inc feedback process. A notification has been posted on the company website stating that it is available on request. The document will be provided in accessible formats if requested. Ongoing January 1, 2016
Format of Documents All documentation will be provided in accessible formats if requested. In determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support, Canada Learning Code, Inc will consult with the employee making the request. This documentation will be provided in a timely manner. Ongoing January 1, 2012


Review and Update

This document was created on (October 7th, 2020) and must be reviewed and updated by (October 7th, 2025).